Membership Application
The OCFD is looking for volunteers. Applicants must be residents of Orange City, pass a reference and background check, and complete mandatory training. Mechanical skills and physical fitness are a plus. Contact Chief Denny Vander Wel at 737-8227 or Membership Coordinator Brent VanLeeuwen at 712-212-4182 for more information. You are also welcome to drop by the station between 9:30 and 11 a.m. most Saturday mornings. We’d be happy to talk with you and answer any questions you might have.
Student Application (High school juniors and seniors)
Applications may be hand-delivered to the Fire Station any Saturday morning 9:30-11 a.m., or sent to:
Orange City Fire Department
Attn: Membership
125 Central Ave SE
Orange City, IA 51041
How old must I be to join the OCFD?
Applicants must be 18 years of age.
If you attend MOC-FV or Unity Christian High School you can apply to be a student firefighter beginning with your junior year.
Is this a paid position?
Can I be a member of another fire department and the OCFD?
Do I need a Drivers License?
Do I need to take any training after joining?
Do I have to attend any regular meetings?
Do I need to be a legal U.S. resident to apply?
Federal law prohibits the employment of unauthorized aliens. In order to be accepted to membership you must submit
satisfactory proof of employment authorization and identity (valid driver’s license, birth certificate, Green Card, etc.) at the
membership interview. Failure to submit such proof will lead to non-consideration.